Designed for continuous operations


The A225 model is designed for continuous use and is a sound economical addition to your wash bay. Available with an electric start and gasoline engine, this model has 2 speed hydraulic traction, turns on the smallest of circles and has dual controls for double productivity.

Allowing you to move freely around your wash bay, even inside to outside, this is the future of fleet cleaning. It is completely self-contained, meaning there are no external hoses, cords, or cables to hold you back. A single operator can effortlessly soap, wash, and rinse the entire surface of your vehicles in less than 8 minutes.

Regardless of how dirty your vehicle is, the innovative onboard power and water system uses a fraction of the water and chemicals you would using traditional methods—less than a 100L of water and 0.5mL of cleaning solution. The cleaning solution is coated evenly on the vehicle’s surface, minimizing waste, and the hyper-durable polyethylene / closed pore foam brushes remove the toughest dirt and salt without harming the vehicle’s surface.

The most advanced machine on the market includes:

  • Stainless steel frame

  • 420Litre fresh water and 50 Litre cleaning solution tanks

  • Adjustable stainless steel, anti-scratch spray nozzles

  • Proprietary pre-soak applicator

  • Ongoing support for your washing equipment and staff

  • Consultation around wastewater recovery systems

Buses, semis, trucks, limos, vans, and cars, the A225 is extremely versatile and is designed for cleaning vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Hassle-free, fast, and easy.